We partner with our clients to create realible innovative products. Partner with us to exceed your clients expectations.
Our expert team can assist with product development, OEM and Private labels. This already is a large part of our business which we provide to our partners.
Our sales support team is second to none. Our sales reps are there to assist you with product enquiries and training.
SPL Wholesale PTY LTD was established in 2000 as a small family business with DNA Designer Audio.
As DNA quickly became a leading brand in the vehicle Audio Visual market SPL began to grow exponentially.
Marketing research prompted trends which lead us to diversify the business and create new products and brands within different categories.
Our products are now housed in major and local retail stores around Australia and also export internationally, and continue to focus on market share growth.
SPL Wholesale work hard to find the right combination of quality product, great price and outstanding service.
SPL achieve the above by looking at innovative ways to lowering prices by keeping overheads low with a heavy focus on sourcing new technologies. As we find new ways to lower our operating costs the saving is directly passed down to you. Our focus will always be to provide to provide a quality product, great price and outstanding service.
SPL Wholesale has its own in-house marketing and graphic design team. Our team have researched and developed packaging, point of sale and merchandise material that appeals to the retail market.
Our team can also work with you to research your market and brand and your product and launch it.
SPL Wholesale focuses on innovation in new products, existing products and manufacturing expertise thereby ensuring our continued growth and customer satisfaction. Innovation is embodied within the culture at SPL Wholesale and through a cross functional team approach the company is continually developing forward-thinking advancements that enable it to develop new product and technologies.
By establishing itself as an industry leader, SPL Wholesale ensures its own longevity and makes continuous contributions towards technology and innovative solutions. Design and advanced technologies are a priority in all of SPL Wholesales products.
With over 15 years of experience in Product Design and Development, our diverse team has the ability to deliver a complete and comprehensive design process, managing everything from initial concept, right through to the final engineered product, all with efficiency and cost effectiveness in mind. Our products go through a stringent process that includes Quality Control and Quality Assurance to comply with strict Australian guidelines.